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Tin packaging: Tin packaging for food comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, and uses. Metal printed cans with lids are compatible with the canned food industry.
Glass Jars: We have a wide variety of glass jars and bottles that come with matching printed metal lids.
Plastic boxes: transparent and sealed, in sizes and shapes suitable for different types of food.
Hot and cold squeeze bottles for filling sauces and dips.

Tin packaging: Tin packaging for food comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, and uses. Metal printed cans with lids are compatible with the canned food industry.
Glass Jars: We have a wide variety of glass jars and bottles that come with matching printed metal lids.
Plastic boxes: transparent and sealed, in sizes and shapes suitable for different types of food.
Hot and cold squeeze bottles for filling sauces and dips.

Tin Cans Packaging, Glass Jars,  PET Bottles for Food, Metal Lids, Twist Off Caps, Easy Open Lids, Food Preservation Packages,  Plastic Food Packages,  Plastic Buckets,  Squeeze Bottles for Food, Glass Bottles for Food, Dairies,  Plastic Packages for Dairies,  Cheese Packages, Preserves Vegetables,  Canned Meat, Canned Food,  Canned Caviar,  Tahini.